Dr. R. Bruce Hohn died May 8, 1986, at the age of 60 years. A Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons since 1968, Dr. Hohn was Professor of Veterinary Orthopedic Surgery at The Ohio State University for the past 17 years. He received his DVM degree from the University of Minnesota in 1951 and was in general practice in Rochester, Minnesota, until 1964, when he entered graduate school at the Mayo Clinic in conjunction with the University of Minnesota. He was the first veterinarian to be a Fellow in Orthopedic Surgery at the Mayo Clinic. In 1965, he joined the staff at The Animal Medical Center in New York City, where he became Head of the Department of Surgery. He started a surgical residency training program whose concept and general organizational framework has served as the basis for most veterinary residency training programs in the United States, and remains the format recommended by the ACVS for residency training. Dr. Hohn’s significant influence on the development of current residency training programs was enhanced by his work on the Residency Program Committee of the ACVS from 1981 to 1985.
Dr. Hohn also served as a member of the ACVS Credentials Committee from 1970 to 1973, and more recently was on the Board of Regents from 1983 through 1986.
Dr. Hohn was internationally recognized for his work in orthopedic surgery and, in particular, for his role as program chairman for the Annual Internal Fixation of Fractures and Nonunions Courses held at The Ohio State University since 1970. He was named “Veterinarian of the Year” in 1976 by the American Animal Hospital Association and was the Humboldt-United States awardee in Munich, West Germany for In Dr. Hohn’s death we pause to reflect on the significant impact he has had on the field of surgery and, in particular, on the teaching of veterinary surgery. His loss to our profession is most acutely appreciated by his many residents, who were such an important element in his life. 1984- 1985.
Dr. Hohn is survived by his wife Nancy, son Steven, and daughter Barbara.